In college I ran with a group of guys that thought a little too much. Like most college guys we had limited objectives and almost all of those objectives centered around attracting the almighty college babe. Because of something I read in a psychology article me and a couple of my buddies walked around a bar tucking our chin in and making direct eye contact with women. That plan did not totally achieve the desired results. Many women did notice us but for some peculiar reason were not totally attracted to us. For those still seeking to attract women (I'm happily married.), finally, a study has been released that gives men the scoop on how to dance in a way that women find irresistible. Today's first must read Odd News Award goes to:
Men seeking to impress on the dance floor, move that body by Belinda Goldsmith
"CANBERRA (Reuters) – Men hoping to impress women on the dance floor now have science to help them. A European study has found that men who move their necks and trunks more to the beat are most likely to attract women." Read More
The other Odd News Award article reminded me of a common fraternity initiation rite back in the day.
Russian circus cancels 'inhumane' fish-swallowing act
"SYDNEY (AFP) – A Russian circus performer who swallows a live fish and then regurgitates it has been forced to cancel the act after cruelty complaints in Australia." Read More
No tribute to college would be complete without Otis Day and the Knights "Shout"