Finally! Some Odd News to Award

I think it is cool that Ancient Egyptian Queens are still being discovered in this day and age. It kind of revives the "curse of the mummy" and King Tut hoopla. Definitely worthy of an Odd News Award.

Burial chamber of ancient Egyptian queen unearthed
From Yahoo!News
"CAIRO – French archaeologists announced Wednesday the discovery outside Cairo of the burial chamber of a mysterious queen from Egypt's Old Kingdom more than 4,000 years ago." Read More

This next Odd News Award pick is more unsettling the older I get.  I wonder if there is something that lengthens a day? The other thing that is odd fact in this next story is that the Chilean Earthquake actually permanently moved the Earth off of its axis by 3 inches.  How do they know that stuff? I should have paid more attention in Science.

Chile Earthquake May Have Shortened Days on Earth
"The massive 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile may have changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet, a NASA scientist said Monday." Read More

This is just good stuff from Robot Chicken.  I had to include an odd video.

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